A written logo that has the letters ZA in green and the word CHERRY in red. The line on the A arches over the CHERRY. It reads ZACHERRY.
Life is a bowl of Cherries
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22 year old trans man
United states

Aliases:   Zach, Zacharie, Cherry

Pronouns:   he/him + pix/pixel

Orientation:   Aromanic Asexual

Ko-fi:   zacherry

Toyhou.se:   zacherry

Twitter:   _zacherry_

Tumblr:   imported-cherries

Instagram:   Hacked :-(

A digital drawing of a man with long green hair hanging is hanging upside down, his golden eyes stare into the camera as he smiles. He is wearing makeup that references the french-suited cards as well as a reddish-purple tailcoat, with his vest being a dark blue. He is holding a heart (card suit) and queen (chess piece) themed rotary phone receiver to his ear. He is on a deep purple background with a saturated pink line breaking it up.
Wagadoogy !! (my catchphrase)
About him

Hello! I'm Cherry. The purpose of this site is to showcase the fun aesthetic of scams and clickbait while also introducing myself! This is just meta filler, so it looks like a filled-out dating profile. I was going to go all out and not break character, but where's the fun in that?

This page is inspired by how informative dating sites are in learning about someone. Why is this on a page dedicated to shady practices? Well, dating sites have so many fake accounts! This is a fake dating site account! The types listed are actually my F/O types, just for funsies.

The landing page is an email mockup, the text in the email being one of my favorite ads. It took a lot within me to not do a 419 scam. The style difference is so they all look like different sites, like you're exploring the internet back when it was 90% HTML; each website had a lot more personality. Yes, I am forcing myself to limit CSS for this...it's so horrible because many HTML things are no longer supported. Did you know they discontinued "<center>" with HTML5?!

The 404 page—where if you found this site and decided to explore it in early development, you HAVE seen—is based on Microsoft virus webpages, where it's got the blaring TTS voice yelling at you and begging you to call a scam line. I didn't want to do that to any unaware visitor who stumbled across it, so I pulled back on it.

The other pages are a W.I.P., so I'll update this whenever I finalize more pages :-)

I am trying to keep the site WCAG AA compliant and add alt text wherever possible. Here's a great site I've had open the entire time making this. It's helped a lot!

P.S. If you check the code of this site, you'll find I tried making it readable and linking related articles to help others code. Feel free to Frankenstien anything, but note my coding isn't super optimized...

Interests: Starfield, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Drawing, Editing, Music Production, Coding, Viruses, Glitch Hunting, Linguistics
Languages: C2 EN / A2 JP / A1 IR
DNI: Basic DNI Criteria + Real-Person Shipper + Openly Hateful Towards Bugs

pertaining to... Type A Type B
Silliness: Enables silliness, isn't silly
Can be secretly silly
Pathetic yet charming
Failwife (genderless)
Maturity: Often in a parental role
Can be an actual parent
Chaoticly immature
NOT sugar rush levels
Bonus: Has a deep sadness
Heart of gold
Has a deep sadness
Heart of gold